The People
The total estimated population in Mu Cang Chai is about 65,000 people. There are 3 main ethnic groups are living in Mu Cang Chai.
– About Hmong people in Mu Cang Chai
The population 90% in Mu Cang Chai are Hmong people, according to researched documents and oral history, the Hmong people migrated from China to Northern Vietnam about 350 years ago (About the end of the 17th century, early 18th century) after wars between ethnic groups and feudal dynasties of China.

The Hmong people in Mu Cang Chai are mainly divided into 3 main groups: Flower Hmong – this group has population about 60% of the Hmong people here, next are the Black Hmong and White Hmong. Basically, the languages of these 3 groups are about 80% similar, the customs of worship, weddings, and living are similar, there is an interweaving of living areas between these 3 groups. The main difference is in language and costume, when looking at the clothing or listening to the voice, it is possible to distinguish which Hmong group they belong to.
The Hmong people live mainly in the mountainous areas of Mu Cang Chai, they cultivate terraced fields on the mountains and are mainly self-sufficient. The beautiful terraced fields are the main source of rice in their daily lives.
– About Thai people in Mu Cang Chai
The Thai people are also an ethnic minority group that has long lived in Mu Cang Chai. However, their population only accounts for about 6%, and they mainly live in small valleys along streams. Their lives depend on agriculture as well as the exchange of goods and small services.

– About Kinh people (Vietnamese) in Mu Cang Chai
The Kinh people are the smallest population group in Mu Cang Chai, accounting for only about 4%, but have a great influence on the economic and social development of Mu Cang Chai. They mainly live along National Highway 32 and trade, commerce, and services are the industries that bring them income.